Latest Home Decorating Trend: Simple Greenery
The latest home decorating trend to hit the market is simple greenery. The website Houzz predicts that even the 1970s house plant is back. I want to talk about a unique, and easy way to use simple greenery, using the hydroponics method, to give the home a fresh and lively look.
I can hear those voices now……I don’t have a green thumb! (hope my international reader understands this one) Then, there are those saying, where will I get the time to take care of plants? But hey……the latest home decorating trend of simple greenery rooted in water has taken the design industry by storm! WINK WINK!

It is the easiest houseplant you could ever have in your home.
- not a lot of light needed
- never has to be feed
- impossible to kill

Here are a few plants to consider:
- Herbs- Mint, Basil, Rosemary, Lavender and Sage
- Houseplants English Ivy and Philodendron
- Wandering Jew and Coleus
- Garden Flowers Begonias and Impatiens

Are you ready to run out and get a plant? Hold on a minute! The two most important keys to this whole idea is the container and the water. It needs to be a glass container for the hydroponics method, so the light can directly hit the plant stems. There are many interesting glass vases on the market. Choose the style that works best with the width and height of your plant. For the water, use tap, spring or mineral. I usually use tap but, I am thinking about trying to collect rain water to capture the minerals, which would be good for a plant.
I am going to include some ideas on using tuber plants (rooted). They last for a few weeks and could also be great for anyone that wants to do some plants for entertaining or even a wedding.

One last thought, for those that have a second home, using the hydroponics method could really be a great way to have indoor plants. I think you can be as creative as you choose. Like combining more than one plant species in a container. Must be a WINK here. Pass it on. See ya in two weeks. 🙄
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