Knowing some tips for mixing fabric patterns can help take away that “pattern anxiety”. So, let’s take a look at creating a designer look, by following a few basic rules.
When mixing fabric pattern use no more than 3 patterns, if you are a beginner. You can build on this as your gain experience.
Here is a perfect example of mixing 3 patterns. The curtains are a medium design linen fabric, window seat is a buffalo textured check fabric and, the chairs are done in a windowpane fabric. One interesting thing about this room is the fact that they only used black and white colors and, used accessories to add color. I love this! WINK WINK! I first thought this setting needed a rug, but after closely examining the room, you can see one would not work with the floor space available .
2. To start mixing patterns look for a great fabric that you can’t live without! It could be a stripe, solid, plaid or floral. This will be your starting point to build from.
The wallpaper in this room is a Thibaut that makes me simile. I guess, I should add that you could also find a wallpaper to start with. The point of this photo is to show the different fabrics working together.This room is decorated Mario Buatta, a designer from New York. I have always been very fond of his English style decorating. He mixes a ton of different fabrics but, always keeps within the same feel. Mario is famous for using large floral chintz patterns along with other fabrics that compliment the main fabric. Study this photo. You can learn a lot from the way he put this together. WINK The background of the chintz floral is the wall color. Analyze! Analyze! He did this years ago. Dated? I don’t think so. Mrs. B founder of Brunswick and Fils says, “good design is forever”.
3. Always mix patterns that are different sizes and styles.
The third thing going on here is the white comforter piped in meridian blue. We would consider the white fabric to be a design pattern. That gives us a lattice, floral, and a solid. Using the mirror over the bed compliments the wallcovering is a WINK WINK! (Thibaut Wallcovering)
4. When mixing patterns, you need to find harmony. Having a common color somewhere in each piece is the easiest way to do this. Also, staying in the same theme is another idea for harmony. An example would be, using all nautical fabrics.
The common color that runs throughout this room is the color blue. Very well done. WINK WINK!
5. When mixing patterns do maintain a casual or formal attitude….for instances, formal silk would not work with country gingham. Do mix damask with moire or gingham with ticking.
It is sometimes hard to take a two color fabric, such as the cream and taupe fabric here, and get it to let you introduce another color. This a perfect example of using a totally different accent color by cording the chair and then using the pillow to bring another color into the room. WINK WINK! (Thibaut)There are stores that do a great job of displaying accessories that go together. This could be a big help, when getting the WINK factor. This is a photo I took at Boxwoods in Atlanta. Their website is
Thought, I will share this photo. I actually love this look. I was thinking, you could add some pottery, such as, blue and white pottery throughout the area. How smart would that be? Think about it! WINK I have always maintain that we tend to look like our homes. That could be a scary thought for some of us! I am setting with my long time friend Maia, who lives in Mae Hong Son north of Chiang Rai, Thailand. She is a member of the Long Neck Village, where she lives and works in her home. You can see how Maia reflects her home with her colorful dress. She has a very interesting background, check it out at
Still not sure….. look at premixed collections sold at wallcovering stores, fabric centers, and interior designer shops.
Somewhere over the rainbow is that one color or magical mix of colors that will make your room pop. So be adventurous and go for it! WINK, WINK!
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WINKS are those smart things you do, but we keep it under our hat!
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